Bylaws Revision Voting

The NECPA Executive Board has determined that the bylaws, originally prepared in Fall of 2015 and enacted January 1, 2016, need updating to most accurately reflect who we are as the New England Chapter of ACPA and to bring the bylaws into alignment with what we have learned from the past five years of existence as a Regional ACPA Chapter.

Now, it is time for our members to vote on the revisions the Executive Board have proposed. Thank you for participating in the NECPA governance process and helping the Board create an organization that you are proud to be a member of.

Support Presenters from New England at ACPA 2021

This year’s ACPA 2021 Convention features many student affairs professionals from the New England region. The virtual convention will be occurring during the course three weeks. There will be sessions on March 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 16th, and 17th. We encourage you to attend and support the presenters from our region as well as the convention. You can learn more about the ACPA21 convention by visiting:

PresenterInstitutionSection NumberSession Name
Gavin HenningNew England College2010Pre-Convention Workshop: Implementing Socially Just Assessment: Methods for Practice
Luz Gurgos-LopezUniversity of Connecticut1021Research-in-Process: Anti-Blackness and the Monolith Construction of Higher Education Latinidad
Cherry LimBunker Hill Community College2060Convention Program: Exploring Multilingual Advising: Challenges and Best Practices
Janelle Raymundo Joel OntiverosUniversity of Vermont2187Convention Program: Revitalizing Our Digital Presence: Using Strategic Marketing for Graduate Programs
Milagros Castillo-Montoya Ashley RobinsonUniversity of Connecticut2170Convention Program: An Institutional Transformation Approach to Recruiting Racially Minoritized Faculty
Gavin HenningNew England College2011Convention Program: Assessment as a Tool for Equity and Inclusion
Ashley RobinsonUniversity of Connecticut1029Research-in-Process: The Personal is Professional” Exploring Emerging Student Affairs Professionals’ Intimacies
Carolina DavilaYale University2031Convention Program: Latinix Cultural Centers: Countering hegemonic notions of Latinidad through anti-colonialism
Sarah StewartUniversity of Connecticut1031Research-in-Process: Finding Our Voice: Combating Anti-Blackness and COVID-19 in Higher Education.
Michael GiacaloneRhode Island College2043Convention Program: Supporting the Greek-Letter Organization Experience for Commuter Students
Gavin HenningNew England College2026Research & Practice Poster: Assessment, Evaluation, and Research (AER); Student Learning and Development (SLD)
Kari WattSpringfield College2123  Research and Practice Poster: Assessing and Promoting Critical Consciousness Development Among Marginalized Students
Daniel Solworth Stacey Harris  Boston University2141Research and Practice Poster: A Queer Cocurricular Can Indeed Change the World
Kenny Nienhusser Omar RomandiaUniversity of Connecticut2202Research and Practice Poster: Support Undocumented Immigrants in the Current COVID-19 Era

NECPA Award Winner Spotlight – Tricia Dyer

Accomplished Leader of the Year Award Winner – Tricia Dyer

What do you love most about working at your institution, or higher education in general?

I love assisting a student through their academic career and watching them grow throughout their college experience.  That final moment when they walk across the stage and I know that I made a difference for that student.

Who inspired you to get involved in higher education?

My mother and father encouraged me to continue my education and attend college.  My mother was a high school teacher (turned stay-at-home mother of 5 children) and my father was a mechanic (GED and some trade school).  Both of them wanted me to expand my career opportunities via a college education.  My undergraduate degree was in Teacher Education.  Once completed, they supported my plan to attend graduate school.  I was the first in my family to attain my Master’s degree.  They were extremely supportive and encouraged me to continue working in higher education.

Additionally, two significant role models have shaped me into the higher education professional that I am today.  Both encouraged me and pushed me to get out of my comfort zone.  Although uncomfortable at times, these are the times that I grew most in my professional career.

What advice would you offer to new professionals who are starting their first professional position?

*The process of learning and the process of change are never ending.  When you think you are done . . . you are really just starting.    

*Be humble enough to know you are not always right and there may be another way to get to the same solution.

*Do Your Best – No matter the task

*Balance work and life – Time and Health cannot be recouped.

NECPA Award Winner Spotlight – Cesar Cruz Benitez

Champion of Equity and Inclusion Award – Cesar Cruz Benitez

What do you love most about working at your institution, or higher education in general?

I currently work as an Area Coordinator in the Office of Residential Life at Wesleyan University, located in Middletown, Connecticut.  What I love the most about working at Wesleyan has to be my colleagues and the students that I have the honor of working alongside.  The relationships I have been able to build and the community that welcomed me with open arms makes the work enjoyable.  Even on my toughest days just getting to connect with or be in the presence of these colleagues or the students I supervise automatically makes my day better.  As far as what I enjoy about working in higher education in general, it is without a doubt the students.  More specifically, seeing them develop, hone their passions and advocate for social change on campus and beyond is inspiring.

Who inspired you to get involved in higher education?

A number of people have inspired and continue to inspire me on the journey that is my career in higher education.  The person who first made me aware of higher education as a potential career path was Rachel Head, who is currently the Associate Dean and Director of Student Engagement at Swarthmore College where I attended for undergrad.  Some other individuals who have inspired me to get involved in higher education through their mentorship and simply existing as professionals of color within higher education would be Isaiah Thomas, Ed.D, Assistant Dean of Students at Occidental College; Karina Beras, and Jason Rivera, PhD, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education & Student Academic Success at Rutgers University – Camden.  Isaiah was my supervisor the first year I was a Resident Assistant at Swarthmore.  I got the privilege of witnessing Isaiah as he went through his doctoral program, which was motivating to me as someone who hopes to earn my doctorate one day.  Karina through her leadership and passion showed me that one can stick to the ‘why’ that brought one into the field of higher education whether that directly is in one’s job duties or not/finding ways to incorporate it into your work regardless of the delineated job duties.  Jason Rivera joined Swarthmore college the summer before my senior year as a Class Dean and Director of the Intercultural Center.  I did not know prior to his arrival, and I actually have not told him this, but seeing him in that position set a goal for me and made me think “he is where I hope to be one day in the future”.

What advice would you offer to new professionals who are starting their first professional position?

There are three things that I would want to share: a. remember that you specifically were hired for a reason; b. do not forget your ‘why’ for entering the field of higher education; and c. utilize all the knowledge and experiences that you have gained in your work. 

There will be times that you will question whether you are the right person for the job, whether that is when the work gets to be overwhelming, you feel that you do not have all the skills or knowledge to be able to do the work, imposter syndrome, or any other reason.  That is okay, those moments and feelings are normal.  I urge you to remember that you were hired specifically because people believe you can do this job (there was a whole search committee, and you interviewed with so many individuals), and you accepted the position (most likely because you needed a job and there are bills to be paid), but really because you too believed that you could do this, so hold on to that. 

Secondly, do not forget your ‘why’. There is a reason why you choose to pursue this field, that job, that degree.  I am a firm believer that you have to honor the ‘why’ that brought you to this field.  As you continue to gain insights into the field of higher education through the lens of your new professional position ask yourself: “how do the knowledge, skills, and insights I am gaining help me work towards my why” both now in your current role and in future positions. 

Lastly, utilize all the knowledge and experiences that you have.  Often times we let the knowledgebase that we have developed exist in the boxes or moments in time we put them in and we absolutely should not.  If you have attended a graduate program prior to this first professional position in higher education you read and learned so much not just to write those papers, take exams, pass your classes, and obtain that degree, but ultimately to prepare you for the field.  With that in mind, what knowledge are you utilizing or can you utilize in your roles to set yourself up for success and enhance the work that your office or department is doing.  The same goes for prior work experience, especially if you held a graduate assistantship in a different functional area.  What skills and abilities did you develop in previous work experiences that would be beneficial to your department?  How do you incorporate the ways in which you approached your work in previously held positions in your current work?  Do those experience position you well to build relationships with specific campus partners?  Knowledge and skills are malleable and we should constantly be using all that we have learned in each new chapter we embark on.

I wish you the best of luck as you embark on your first professional journey!